Meet Oliver

2-year-old Oliver is a cheeky toddler who loves playing with dinosaurs and has everyone ‘wrapped around his little finger.’

When the whole family came down with the common cold, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But Oliver was the only one who didn’t get over his cold.

His concerned parents took him to the doctor twice, who prescribed antibiotics ‘just in case.’

After that dose of antibiotics was finished, Oliver saw another doctor who took a swab to check for any common illnesses but did not flag anything major.

But things took a turn a few days later on the 16th of June, when Oliver woke up and was having trouble breathing.

Suspecting RSV, his parents rushed him to Frankston hospital where he was seen straight away. A chest exam was ordered and done within half an hour.

Before his parents knew it, a team had come down from the Royal Children’s Hospital to transport Oliver to the ICU there. 

At that point, they had no idea what was going on.

It was at 6pm on the 16th of June, 9 hours after they had first walked through the doors at Frankston hospital, that his family was given the heart-breaking news…

Little Oliver had a mass all across his chest and was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. 

He started chemotherapy immediately and now goes into the hospital multiple times a week to receive treatment.

It’s a gruelling schedule for a little kid, and is taking some getting used to, but thankfully he’s on the right track to beat this terrible disease.

Oliver will be in treatment for at least the next 2 and a half years.

With the support of his parents, his big sister Mia, his big brother Charlie, and his dog Dusty, as well as a whole GCC community cheering him on, this kid is going to kick cancer’s butt!

Oliver, you’ve got this buddy… we’re riding for YOU this October!