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Rank Name Raised
251st Barrett's Busta Move Barrett's Busta Move $1,039
Members of Barrett's Busta Move
1152nd Hurley Barrett Hurley Barrett $853
2469th Anita Barrett Anita Barrett $186
252nd Greece4Ever Greece4Ever $31
Members of Greece4Ever
3259th Anestis Tops Anestis Tops $31
N/A Ioannis Doulgerakis Ioannis Doulgerakis $0
253rd Revengeful Revengeful $1,059
Members of Revengeful
914th Rhiley Spencer Rhiley Spencer $1,059
254th W.A. South of the River Riders W.A. South of the River Riders $1,136
Members of W.A. South of the River Riders
836th Virginia Mmolotsi Virginia Mmolotsi $1,136
N/A Nanette Weiler Nanette Weiler $0
255th Grant family Grant family $1,142
Members of Grant family
875th Patrick Grant Patrick Grant $1,093
3052nd Christina Grant Christina Grant $49
N/A Danny Grant Danny Grant $0
256th MacFamGo MacFamGo $441
Members of MacFamGo
1963rd Haydn McCormick Haydn McCormick $441
N/A Eilish McCormick Eilish McCormick $0
257th The Musketeers The Musketeers $1,554
Members of The Musketeers
711th Curtis Johnson Curtis Johnson $1,290
2524th Gayle Van Vegten Gayle Van Vegten $165
2780th Rhys van Vegten Rhys van Vegten $99
258th OGPS 2024 OGPS 2024 $987
Members of OGPS 2024
2203rd lisandro azubel lisandro azubel $281
2203rd matias azubel matias azubel $281
2281st Dimitra Apostolopoulos Dimitra Apostolopoulos $249
N/A Charlotte Damalas Charlotte Damalas $0
N/A Luke Johnson Luke Johnson $0
1326th Erin Bolton Erin Bolton $722
N/A Woomby Wheelers Woomby Wheelers $0
Members of Woomby Wheelers
N/A Jemma Melia Jemma Melia $0
261st Thatilldo Thatilldo $1,005
Members of Thatilldo
988th Wendy Caldwell Wendy Caldwell $1,005
262nd Charisma and John Charisma and John $1,621
Members of Charisma and John
1016th Charisma Magallanes Charisma Magallanes $1,000
1624th John Ballment John Ballment $585
263rd Jones Squared Jones Squared $2,030
Members of Jones Squared
1131st Nate Jones Nate Jones $871
1322nd Zeke Jones Zeke Jones $726
264th Jetty Sketty Jetty Sketty $1,036
Members of Jetty Sketty
942nd Jett Edwards Jett Edwards $1,036
265th Mattusfaction Mattusfaction $51
Members of Mattusfaction
2828th Matthew White Matthew White $51
266th Team Stirling Team Stirling $680
Members of Team Stirling
1570th Tamara Stirling Tamara Stirling $602
2964th Elliott Stirling Elliott Stirling $52
N/A Nick Stirling Nick Stirling $0
N/A JD Anish JD Anish $0
Members of JD Anish
N/A Jaidev Dorai Jaidev Dorai $0
N/A Sai Anish Jaidev Sai Anish Jaidev $0
268th Aussie Peakers riders Aussie Peakers riders $505
Members of Aussie Peakers riders
1840th Heather de Villiers Heather de Villiers $505
269th The bmx riders The bmx riders $52
Members of The bmx riders
2964th Jack Edwards Jack Edwards $52
270th Complete Care Cruisers Complete Care Cruisers $989
Members of Complete Care Cruisers
1024th Dylan Goodridge Dylan Goodridge $989
N/A Brooks Brooks $0
Members of Brooks
N/A Damien Braun Damien Braun $0
N/A Francis Harvey Francis Harvey $0
N/A Matthew Grant Matthew Grant $0
N/A Nick Greenfield Nick Greenfield $0
272nd Yandle Yandle $269
Members of Yandle
2234th Nick Yandle Nick Yandle $269
273rd Ram fam Ram fam $207
Members of Ram fam
2393rd Ronit Ram Ronit Ram $207
274th Chain Reaction Tour de October Chain Reaction Tour de October $1,173
Members of Chain Reaction Tour de October
2116th Alayna Magnus Alayna Magnus $321
2469th Jacques Magnus Jacques Magnus $186
275th Timeless Wealth Timeless Wealth $642
Members of Timeless Wealth
1560th Shiva Saberi Shiva Saberi $606
N/A Amin Moosavi Amin Moosavi $0
N/A Joshua Pointing Joshua Pointing $0
N/A Riba B Riba B $0
276th Kumpare! Kumpare! $124
Members of Kumpare!
2631st LoreNz Co LoreNz Co $124
277th Fun Peddlers Fun Peddlers $318
Members of Fun Peddlers
2179th Aylwin Netto Aylwin Netto $292
278th Salty Spokes Salty Spokes $1,603
Members of Salty Spokes
901st Roger Fry Roger Fry $1,071
1931st Meredith Fry Meredith Fry $470
2948th Jady Fry Jady Fry $62
279th No One Fights Alone No One Fights Alone $395
Members of No One Fights Alone
2011th Bernard Wright Bernard Wright $395
N/A Flynn Flynn $0
Members of Flynn
N/A Flynn Gregory Flynn Gregory $0
N/A Michael Babula Michael Babula $0
281st Rogue Squadron Rogue Squadron $404
Members of Rogue Squadron
1997th Andy Hawkins Andy Hawkins $404
282nd Hills Tankers Hills Tankers $1,002
Members of Hills Tankers
1003rd Paul Newman Paul Newman $1,002
283rd The flat tyres The flat tyres $10,993
Members of The flat tyres
11th Rob Keogh Rob Keogh $10,793
N/A Stuart McLennan Stuart McLennan $0
284th Tol Tol Turtles Tol Tol Turtles $4,578
Members of Tol Tol Turtles
242nd Chris Finley Chris Finley $2,761
497th Lisa McWilliam Lisa McWilliam $1,646
2509th Carolyn Payne Carolyn Payne $171
285th Holloway Bros Holloway Bros $1,092
Members of Holloway Bros
N/A Cooper Holloway Cooper Holloway $0
N/A Wilson Holloway Wilson Holloway $0
Members of OZHAKKANS
959th Joby SEBASTIAN Joby SEBASTIAN $1,026
2926th Michelle Joby Michelle Joby $69
287th NUOS NUOS $121
Members of NUOS
2926th Jess Linsell Jess Linsell $69
2964th Caitlin Prior Caitlin Prior $52
N/A Jacinta Vickers Jacinta Vickers $0
288th Team Ruby Team Ruby $9,709
Members of Team Ruby
269th Ruby Walker Ruby Walker $2,626
383rd Edith McGregor Edith McGregor $2,037
383rd Hudson McGregor Hudson McGregor $2,037
553rd Isabella King Isabella King $1,546
857th Leigh King Leigh King $1,104
289th Al Siraat College Al Siraat College $3,137
Members of Al Siraat College
191st Tanja Kubitza Tanja Kubitza $3,137
290th Tochak Tochak $474
Members of Tochak
2524th Pavle Stojcevski Pavle Stojcevski $165
2686th Sotir Stojcevski Sotir Stojcevski $109
N/A Fam Bam Fam Bam $0
Members of Fam Bam
N/A Montage Ngapera Montage Ngapera $0
292nd Misadventures of Nikki & Rhiain Misadventures of Nikki & Rhiain $1,584
Members of Misadventures of Nikki & Rhiain
1213th Rhiain Alexander Rhiain Alexander $806
1256th Nicole Mannix Nicole Mannix $778
293rd First Masonic District First Masonic District $721
Members of First Masonic District
1451st Kevin L Kizer Sr Kevin L Kizer Sr $659
2948th Dennis Washington Dennis Washington $62
294th Team Ford Team Ford $295
Members of Team Ford
2217th Leanne Ford Leanne Ford $275
3367th Rob Ford Rob Ford $20
Members of BOOMGANG
959th Arlo Smith Arlo Smith $1,026
296th PF riders PF riders $497
Members of PF riders
2039th Sam Stokes Sam Stokes $373
N/A Trudy Thorp Trudy Thorp $0
297th BHI Bandits BHI Bandits $2,021
Members of BHI Bandits
389th Simon Carlile Simon Carlile $2,021
298th Hoddle Rock Hoddle Rock $799
Members of Hoddle Rock
1656th Belinda Griggs Belinda Griggs $571
2339th Joanne Preece Joanne Preece $228
299th Cas & Oliver Cas & Oliver $305
Members of Cas & Oliver
2631st Casandra Kunst Casandra Kunst $124
2631st Oliver Kunst Oliver Kunst $124
300th Team Unstoppable Together Team Unstoppable Together $4,666
Members of Team Unstoppable Together
89th Steve Ashton Steve Ashton $4,459