• Less Than A Month To Go
    8 Sep 2024

    This is my fourth start in this fundraiser and the most ambitious yet. I’m looking at 200km in the month, or 50km/week. For an old bloke with an older bike, that’s a big ask. But there’s no way I’m backing down from this.

    My bit of inconvenience and pain is nothing compared to what these wonderful little kiddies are facing bravely.

    If you can help me to reach my goal, that would be great. Thank you.

    Less Than A Month To Go
    Posted 11 days ago
  • Roll On 2024 GCC.
    25 Jun 2024

    We are three months from the challenge and I feel great. I have been riding and hitting the gym to continue my recovery from the rotator-cuff injury last year.

    Some days, I am combining the two and that sure hits me - usually an early night after that.

    I’m looking forward to extending my goal to 200km for the month. I have managed to complete each pledge in the previous years, and I don’t see that this year will be any different. It may not seem like a huge goal, but for a sedentary 60 year old, it is enough. The main point about goals is to make them achievable and also pushing your limits, which is what this one does. I am hoping to be back at work by then, so will be doing the 7/7 roster (unless some other roster comes along).

    To all of those who have supported me in achieving my $$$ in the past, thank you. Without you, none of this would be happening. You are the ones that give us our greatest achievement - smiles on the faces of young sick kids.

    Thank- you.

    Roll On 2024 GCC.
    Posted 86 days ago
  • My Third Year
    23 May 2024

    So many things start off as just an idea.

    I was unaware of the GCC, but when I heard about it I was exercising well. What the heck I thought. So I did the challenge.

    The next year I had been involved in an industrial accident, so had to be very careful about what I did. I managed to complete it and thought it would be easier next year.

    Roll on 2023, I got a snapped rotator-cuff tendon in late August. Arm in a sling, I couldn’t ride. I asked admin how I could participate. They gave me the option of riding a stationary bike at home. Thanks to these guys I was able to raise funds for the third year in a row.

    If you are looking for a great cause, this is it. Get fit and help kids.

    It’s a no-brainer.

    My Third Year
    Posted 120 days ago