• Sue N - auction donated by: Hello Succulents (Nhung H)
    Received this donation 82 days ago
    Wayne Richardson
    “Thank you so much for your donation Sue, it is greatly appreciated, also thanks to Nhung for the donation of the succulents which was also very much appreciated.”
  • Cathy M- auction donated by mystery donor no.1
    Received this donation 74 days ago
  • Anna D R - auction donated by mystery donor no.2
    Received this donation 74 days ago
  • Christine J - auction donated by mystery donor no.1
    Received this donation 74 days ago
  • Leanne M- auction donated by mystery donor no.1
    Received this donation 65 days ago
  • Violeta F - auction donated by Jan D
    Received this donation 67 days ago
  • Kahyla - auction donated by mystery donor no. 2
    Received this donation 73 days ago
  • Athena M- JMD plants
    Received this donation 80 days ago
    Wayne Richardson
    “Thank you Athena your donation is greatly appreciated.”
  • Gail C - auction donated by mystery donor 3
    Received this donation 67 days ago
  • Phil McGee
    Received this donation 20 days ago
    Wayne Richardson
    “Thank you Phil for your support once again with this fundraiser, it is truly appreciated.”
  • Coralie G - auction donated by mystery donor 1
    Received this donation 67 days ago
  • Rainbow R - auction donated by mystery donor 3
    Received this donation 67 days ago
  • Gail C - auction donated by Athena M
    Received this donation 67 days ago
  • Jan D - JMD plants
    Received this donation 85 days ago
    Wayne Richardson
    “Thank you Jan for your donation which is greatly appreciated.”
  • Evelyn B - JMD plants
    Received this donation 85 days ago
    Wayne Richardson
    “Thank you Evelyn, your donation is so much appreciated.”
  • Violeta F - JMD plants
    Received this donation 82 days ago
    Wayne Richardson
    “Thank Violeta for your donation, it is greatly appreciated.”
  • Amanda M - JMD plants
    Received this donation 85 days ago
    Wayne Richardson
    “Thank you Amanda for your donation it si so much appreciated.”
  • Evelyn B- auction donated by Rae
    Received this donation 74 days ago
  • Lyn Teakle- JMD Plants
    Received this donation 3 hours ago
  • Fiona Smith
    Received this donation 110 days ago
    Wayne Richardson
    “Thank you Fiona for your generous donation, on behalf of the kids living with cancer we would like to say it’s very much appreciated. Wayne.”